Tuesday, April 6, 2010

MMMMMM depression

High prices to pay for wasting my time over vacation for a convention I didn't even enjoy. Just when I thought I'd die studying for midterms, turns out there's a paper due in 18 hours. Anime Boston, you have left me devastated in every way imaginable.

Clearly I'm not ready to be independent

Would most people find it embarrassing to have their mother come to their dorm to clean it for them? I certainly do not feel this way, although my mom says I should be. Clearly, I am not ready for this world of responsibility where I have to "take care of myself", and I wonder if I shall ever be ready. My over protective mother should take some of the blame. I was not born lazy, I was just raised that way. Children whose parents clean their room everyday with or without their consent, usually will not develop the habit of cleaning the room themselves. Yes mother, I blame you. But I love you anyway, I'd be found dead in a ditch if she did not live 15 minutes from me.